
Install libxml2 on mac for ruby
Install libxml2 on mac for ruby

install libxml2 on mac for ruby

Thus, you should be able to run macports install libxml2then find where macports installed it and then follow the steps above in the tip to make it work in python.įor the Xcode's, I think I also installed the command line tools with the xcode. Try opening a console and type which python to see if and where it is installed. Thanks in advance for your help and understanding of my situation regarding my computer knowledge.


how to install lxml python module on mac os 10.5 (leopard) I seeked a lot to find the informations I needed by myself, but as I am a newly with code lines, those pages didn't gave me a clue. I would be deeply appreciated if you could provide more detail or reference me to a website that give clear informations. I repeat that i'm not familiar with code lines. Python web page didn't helped me out I just don't understand where I should enter the command lines. Is it necessary? I don't have the setuptool on python either. Is there other things to do to have the software functional? I couldn't install the pip python package manager if I understood. I've downloader python and installed it but I never make it to launch it. There is a lot of programme to install and I don't fully understand. I have a mac and it runs os I tried to install libxml2, but it seems like a puzzle to solve. I wish I could do your simple step but as a newby with code lines, I struggle. It seems like you've manage to install libxml2 without too much trouble. Pay attention to the right site-packages folder if you're using virtualenv.

Install libxml2 on mac for ruby